wx 2024

Pictured Left to right: Tom Brown, Assessor, Jeff Michaelis, Crew Member, Jeff Mueller, Assessor and Paul Moore, Weatherization Coordinator

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The LIHEAP Program is designed to help low income eligible households meet the rising cost of home energy by providing financial assistance in the form of direct payments to the household’s energy vendor or the household.

LIHEAP provides a one-time benefit to eligible households for use towards energy costs. The payment amount is based on four criteria: Income, household size, fuel type, and geographic location.

PIPP – The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) program is available for LIHEAP eligible households who are Ameren Customers. Under PIPP, you will pay a percentage of your income, receive a monthly benefit towards your utility bill and, a pre-program balance reduction for every on-time payment you make.

WNCF-Warm Neighbors Cool Friends pledges up to $500 during heating season matching customer payments within the last 45 days.  Cooling season maximums are $200(instead of $500) and are intended for seniors(60+years), people with a disability or documented medical condition requiring air conditioning. Applicant can only receive assistance ONCE per heating season (September 1st to May 31st) and ONCE in the cooling season (June 1st to August 31st)

Furnace Assistance – If you own your home, your household is LIHEAP eligible and your heating system is inoperable or determined to be unsafe by the fuel vendor, Furnace Assistance may be available.

Reconnection Assistance – This component of LIHEAP provides supplemental energy assistance funds designed to help households maintain a continuous supply of home energy. Payments will be made only after a household has actually been disconnected from its energy source. The household must make a good faith effort at maintaining services or an emergency payment cannot be made on its behalf.  A limited portion of emergency funds are set aside for the repair and/or replacement of inoperable heating systems of income eligible homeowners.

When you apply for assistance, bring with following items with you:

  • Proof of Gross income from all household members for the 30-day period prior to the application date. If receiving assistance from Illinois Department of Human Services, bring proof your household receives cash assistance.
  • A Copy of your current heat and electric bills issued within the last 30 days.
  • Social Security Cards for all household members
  • Service Areas: Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, and Macoupin Counties

Required Documentation

  • Social Security Cards for the household
  • Proof of income for the household for the last 30 days
  • Most recent gas/electric bill and or water bill

This website is supported by CSBG/LIHEAP Programs within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the CSBG/LIHEAP Programs.

Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Program is designed to help low-income residents save fuel and money, while increasing the comfort of their homes.  Repairs are completed by qualified contractors employed by the agency. There is no charge to participants for material or labor. Renters may also be assisted if they are eligible and if the landlord agrees to the program terms. Depending on the circumstances and conditions of a dwelling, some of the following weatherization work may be done: sealing cracks with weather-strip and caulk, insulating attics and walls, repairing windows and doors. The Weatherization Program also assesses the home’s heating system to assure it is safe and in good working order.  An experienced contractor will clean, tune, repair, retrofit, or replace the heating system.  Energy and cost saving measures include replacing regular light bulbs with energy efficient ones; Health and safety measures include installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

Service Areas: Calhoun, Greene, Jersey and Macoupin Counties

Request more information

IHWAP Pre-Application

LIHEAP Online Scheduling